#!/user/bin/env python2 #-*- coding: utf8 -*- from setuptools import setup, Extension import numpy as np #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #Added due to fatal error during compilation, a header was missing module1 = Extension('_schromod', include_dirs = ['./include/', np.get_include()], #Added np.get_include() to avoid fatal error libraries = ['m', 'z', 'armadillo'], sources = ['schromod.i', 'solveur.cpp'], swig_opts = ["-c++","-Wall","-I.","-I./include/"]) setup (name = 'package_schrosolv', py_modules = ['schromod'], version = '1.0', description = 'This package contains python bindings for the C++ solver of the time-dependent non-relativistic Schrödinger equation.', ext_modules = [module1])