#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hashlib import bson import pickle #For read inputs fields import numpy #For handle inputs fields and output fields import schromod #Our C++ binding for solving stuff from pymongo import MongoClient import pymongo.errors from evtk.hl import imageToVTK username, password, host, dbname = 'tazio', 'taziotazio', '', 'CarTata' client = MongoClient('mongodb://%s:%s@%s/%s' % (username, password, host, dbname)) ###################### #If you want ot change methods : it's here def run(a): #a.FTCS() #a.BTCS(50) a.CTCS(50) ###################### def norm_mesh(arr,hx,hy): return numpy.absolute(numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(numpy.conj(arr),arr))/(hx*hy)) def normalize(arr,hx,hy): return numpy.divide(arr,numpy.float64(norm_mesh(arr,hx,hy))) def hash_data(content): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(content) return m.hexdigest() #Used after a.V is initialized def check_n_restart(a,iteration,psi): if iteration != 0: a.setPsiInit(psi) else: a.setPsiInit(normalize(psi,a.hx,a.hy)) current_run_id = int(input("Run id ? ")) data_input = client[dbname]['data_input'].find_one({'run_id':current_run_id}) try: bin_data=data_input['field_potential'] except TypeError: print("You have to choose a valid run_id") exit() if hash_data(bin_data) != data_input['field_potential_bin_hash']: print('ERROR : no matching hash for potential') exit() potential_u = pickle.loads(bin_data) potential = numpy.array(potential_u,dtype=numpy.float64,order = 'F') run_data = client[dbname]['data_psi'].find_one({'run_id':current_run_id}, sort = [("iteration", -1)]) try: bin_data=run_data['mat'] except TypeError: print("You have to choose a valid run_id") exit() if hash_data(bin_data) != run_data['mat_bin_hash']: print('ERROR : not matching hash for psi') exit() psi_u = pickle.loads(bin_data) psi = numpy.array(psi_u,dtype=numpy.complex128,order = 'F') nb_iter = data_input['nb_iter'] dtime = data_input['dtime'] mesh = data_input['mesh'] img_factor = data_input['img_fact'] iteration = run_data["iteration"] print("Start from last checkpoint %d" % (iteration*img_factor)) a = schromod.Solveur() a.setV(potential) a.ht=dtime a.hx=mesh['stitch']['width'] a.hy=mesh['stitch']['length'] check_n_restart(a,iteration,psi) print('Psi is well initalized') print("psi norm : %f"%(norm_mesh(a.psi,a.hx,a.hy))) print('Begin of calculation') nx = mesh['width'] ny = mesh['length'] if iteration != 0: run(a) psi_bin = bson.binary.Binary(pickle.dumps(a.getPsi(), protocol=2)) client[dbname]['data_psi'].replace_one({'run_id':current_run_id, 'iteration':iteration}, {'run_id':current_run_id, 'mat':psi_bin, 'iteration':iteration}) for i in range((iteration * img_factor), nb_iter): run(a) if i % img_factor == 0: print("psi norm at %d step : %f"%(i,norm_mesh(a.getPsi(),a.hx,a.hy))) iteration += 1 psi_bin = bson.binary.Binary(pickle.dumps(a.getPsi(), protocol=2)) hash_m=hash_data(psi_bin) client[dbname]['data_psi'].insert_one({'mat':psi_bin, 'mat_bin_hash':hash_m, 'run_id':current_run_id, 'iteration':iteration})