Bonjour à tou⋅te⋅s
Voici notre liste candidate pour la campagne BdE :
Flatulence humour or Flatulence humorIIE refers to any type of joke, practical joke device, or other off-color humor related to flatulence.
Voici la composition de notre liste :
Président⋅e : Ghada ''Guess'' BEN SAID (1A) – At once he bubbled up the ghost, and there was an end to that shadow of a life…The last words he was heard to speak in this world were these.
Vice-Président⋅e : Swann ''Swanny'' CASTEL (2A) – When he had made a great noise with that end of him which talked easiest, he cried out, "Oh dear, oh dear! I think I have made a mess of myself.
Trésorier⋅ère : Thomas ''SuChips'' SU (1A) – ".
Vice-Trésorier⋅ère : Gabrielle ''Gabb'' GUILLAUME (2A) – "Breezes wafted me from Ilion unto the Ciconian land.
Secrétaire Général⋅e : Constantin ''Karn'' BÔNE (2A) – ".
Pôle Partenariats
Guangyue ''Deemo'' CHEN (2A) – Archeologist Warwick Ball asserts that the Roman Emperor Elagabulus played practical jokes on his guests, employing a whoopee cushion-like device at dinner parties.
Geoffrey ''Ouija'' DELVAL (1A) – In the translated version of Penguin's 1001 Arabian Nights Tales, a story entitled "The Historic Fart" tells of a man who flees his country from the sheer embarrassment of farting at his wedding, only to return ten years later to discover that his fart had become so famous, that people used the anniversary of its occurrence to date other events.
Pôle Animations
Alexis ''Poseidon'' HOUSSARD (1A) – Upon learning this he exclaimed, "Verily, my fart has become a date! It shall be remembered forever!" His embarrassment is so great he returns to exile in India.
Pablo ''Willian'' GONZALEZ (1A) – In a similar vein, John Aubrey's Brief Lives recounts of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford that: "The Earle of Oxford, making his low obeisance to Queen Elizabeth, happened to let a Fart, at which he was so abashed and ashamed that he went to Travell, 7 yeares.
Pôle Communication
Romain ''toss'' PEREIRA (2A) – Upon his return home, the Queen greeted him, reportedly saying "My Lord, I had forgot the Fart.
Pôle Événements et Voyages
Romain ''Elfo'' TIRBISCH (1A) – "One of the most celebrated incidents of Flatulence humorIIE in early English literature is in The Miller's Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer, which dates from the 14th century; The Summoner's Tale has another.
Pôle Logistique
Respo Foyer : Nisrine ''Alcosin'' MOUMMOU (1A) – In the first, the character Nicholas sticks his buttocks out of a window at night and humiliates his rival Absolom by farting in his face.
Respo Associations : Sujivan ''Suji'' NITHIYARAJAN (2A) – But Absolom gets revenge by thrusting a red-hot plough blade between Nicholas's cheeks ("ammyd the ers").
Respo Fipa : Joséphine ''Spawnie'' BARTHEL (2A) – The medieval Latin joke book Facetiae includes six tales about farting.
Membres d'Honneur
Fadoua ''Fidou'' EL HARTI (4A) – Benjamin Franklin, in his open letter "To the Royal Academy of Farting", satirically proposes that converting farts into a more agreeable form through science should be a milestone goal of the Royal Academy.
Alexandre ''Parpaing'' ALVES (3A) – In Mark Twain's 1601, properly named [ Date: 1601.
Rémi ''Chrom'' JAMOUS (3A) – ] Conversation, as it was the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors, a cupbearer at Court who's a Diarist reports:.
Alizée ''Shaka'' MURAT (3A) – In ye heat of ye talk it befel yt one did breake wind, yielding an exceding mightie and distresfull stink, whereat all did laugh full sore.
Alexandre ''Kiwi'' DE BOÉ (4A) – Good your grace, an' I had room for such a thundergust within mine ancient bowels, 'tis not in reason I coulde discharge ye same and live to thank God for yt He did choose handmaid so humble whereby to shew his power.
Alexandre ''Möbius'' BRUCKERT (4A) – Nay, 'tis not I yt have broughte forth this rich o'ermastering fog, this fragrant gloom, so pray you seeke ye further.
Bonne campagne ! :)
Flatulence humorIIE < = >