| |
- builtins.object
- CallWrapper
- Event
- Grid
- Image
- BitmapImage
- PhotoImage
- Misc
- BaseWidget
- Toplevel(BaseWidget, Wm)
- Widget(BaseWidget, Pack, Place, Grid)
- Button
- Canvas(Widget, XView, YView)
- Checkbutton
- Entry(Widget, XView)
- Frame
- Label
- LabelFrame
- Listbox(Widget, XView, YView)
- Menu
- Menubutton
- OptionMenu
- Message
- PanedWindow
- Radiobutton
- Scale
- Scrollbar
- Spinbox(Widget, XView)
- Text(Widget, XView, YView)
- Tk(Misc, Wm)
- Pack
- Place
- Variable
- BooleanVar
- DoubleVar
- IntVar
- StringVar
- Wm
- XView
- YView
- builtins.str(builtins.object)
- EventType(builtins.str, enum.Enum)
- enum.Enum(builtins.object)
- EventType(builtins.str, enum.Enum)
class BaseWidget(Misc) |
Internal class. |
- Method resolution order:
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, widgetName, cnf={}, kw={}, extra=())
- Construct a widget with the parent widget MASTER, a name WIDGETNAME
and appropriate options.
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BitmapImage(Image) |
Widget which can display images in XBM format. |
- Method resolution order:
- BitmapImage
- Image
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, name=None, cnf={}, master=None, **kw)
- Create a bitmap with NAME.
Valid resource names: background, data, file, foreground, maskdata, maskfile.
Methods inherited from Image:
- __del__(self)
- __getitem__(self, key)
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return str(self).
- config = configure(self, **kw)
- Configure the image.
- configure(self, **kw)
- Configure the image.
- height(self)
- Return the height of the image.
- type(self)
- Return the type of the image, e.g. "photo" or "bitmap".
- width(self)
- Return the width of the image.
Data descriptors inherited from Image:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BooleanVar(Variable) |
Value holder for boolean variables. |
- Method resolution order:
- BooleanVar
- Variable
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, value=None, name=None)
- Construct a boolean variable.
MASTER can be given as master widget.
VALUE is an optional value (defaults to False)
NAME is an optional Tcl name (defaults to PY_VARnum).
If NAME matches an existing variable and VALUE is omitted
then the existing value is retained.
- get(self)
- Return the value of the variable as a bool.
- initialize = set(self, value)
- set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
Methods inherited from Variable:
- __del__(self)
- Unset the variable in Tcl.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Comparison for equality (==).
Note: if the Variable's master matters to behavior
also compare self._master == other._master
- __str__(self)
- Return the name of the variable in Tcl.
- trace = trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_add(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset", or a list or tuple of
such strings.
Callback must be a function which is called when the variable is
read, written or unset.
Return the name of the callback.
- trace_info(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
- trace_remove(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset" or a list or tuple of
such strings. Must be same as were specified in trace_add().
cbname is the name of the callback returned from trace_add().
- trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_vdelete(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CBNAME is the name of the callback returned from trace_variable or trace.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_remove() instead.
- trace_vinfo(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_info() instead.
Data descriptors inherited from Variable:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from Variable:
- __hash__ = None
class Button(Widget) |
Button widget. |
- Method resolution order:
- Button
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a button widget with the parent MASTER.
activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,
background, bitmap, borderwidth, cursor,
disabledforeground, font, foreground
highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, image, justify,
padx, pady, relief, repeatdelay,
repeatinterval, takefocus, text,
textvariable, underline, wraplength
command, compound, default, height,
overrelief, state, width
- flash(self)
- Flash the button.
This is accomplished by redisplaying
the button several times, alternating between active and
normal colors. At the end of the flash the button is left
in the same normal/active state as when the command was
invoked. This command is ignored if the button's state is
- invoke(self)
- Invoke the command associated with the button.
The return value is the return value from the command,
or an empty string if there is no command associated with
the button. This command is ignored if the button's state
is disabled.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class CallWrapper(builtins.object) |
Internal class. Stores function to call when some user
defined Tcl function is called e.g. after an event occurred. |
Methods defined here:
- __call__(self, *args)
- Apply first function SUBST to arguments, than FUNC.
- __init__(self, func, subst, widget)
- Store FUNC, SUBST and WIDGET as members.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Canvas(Widget, XView, YView) |
Canvas widget to display graphical elements like lines or text. |
- Method resolution order:
- Canvas
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- XView
- YView
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a canvas widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, closeenough,
confine, cursor, height, highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, insertbackground, insertborderwidth,
insertofftime, insertontime, insertwidth, offset, relief,
scrollregion, selectbackground, selectborderwidth, selectforeground,
state, takefocus, width, xscrollcommand, xscrollincrement,
yscrollcommand, yscrollincrement.
- addtag(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- addtag_above(self, newtag, tagOrId)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items above TAGORID.
- addtag_all(self, newtag)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items.
- addtag_below(self, newtag, tagOrId)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items below TAGORID.
- addtag_closest(self, newtag, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- Add tag NEWTAG to item which is closest to pixel at X, Y.
If several match take the top-most.
All items closer than HALO are considered overlapping (all are
closests). If START is specified the next below this tag is taken.
- addtag_enclosed(self, newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items in the rectangle defined
by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- addtag_overlapping(self, newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items which overlap the rectangle
defined by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- addtag_withtag(self, newtag, tagOrId)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items with TAGORID.
- bbox(self, *args)
- Return a tuple of X1,Y1,X2,Y2 coordinates for a rectangle
which encloses all items with tags specified as arguments.
- canvasx(self, screenx, gridspacing=None)
- Return the canvas x coordinate of pixel position SCREENX rounded
to nearest multiple of GRIDSPACING units.
- canvasy(self, screeny, gridspacing=None)
- Return the canvas y coordinate of pixel position SCREENY rounded
to nearest multiple of GRIDSPACING units.
- coords(self, *args)
- Return a list of coordinates for the item given in ARGS.
- create_arc(self, *args, **kw)
- Create arc shaped region with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- create_bitmap(self, *args, **kw)
- Create bitmap with coordinates x1,y1.
- create_image(self, *args, **kw)
- Create image item with coordinates x1,y1.
- create_line(self, *args, **kw)
- Create line with coordinates x1,y1,...,xn,yn.
- create_oval(self, *args, **kw)
- Create oval with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- create_polygon(self, *args, **kw)
- Create polygon with coordinates x1,y1,...,xn,yn.
- create_rectangle(self, *args, **kw)
- Create rectangle with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- create_text(self, *args, **kw)
- Create text with coordinates x1,y1.
- create_window(self, *args, **kw)
- Create window with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- dchars(self, *args)
- Delete characters of text items identified by tag or id in ARGS (possibly
several times) from FIRST to LAST character (including).
- delete(self, *args)
- Delete items identified by all tag or ids contained in ARGS.
- dtag(self, *args)
- Delete tag or id given as last arguments in ARGS from items
identified by first argument in ARGS.
- find(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- find_above(self, tagOrId)
- Return items above TAGORID.
- find_all(self)
- Return all items.
- find_below(self, tagOrId)
- Return all items below TAGORID.
- find_closest(self, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- Return item which is closest to pixel at X, Y.
If several match take the top-most.
All items closer than HALO are considered overlapping (all are
closest). If START is specified the next below this tag is taken.
- find_enclosed(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Return all items in rectangle defined
by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- find_overlapping(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Return all items which overlap the rectangle
defined by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- find_withtag(self, tagOrId)
- Return all items with TAGORID.
- focus(self, *args)
- Set focus to the first item specified in ARGS.
- gettags(self, *args)
- Return tags associated with the first item specified in ARGS.
- icursor(self, *args)
- Set cursor at position POS in the item identified by TAGORID.
In ARGS TAGORID must be first.
- index(self, *args)
- Return position of cursor as integer in item specified in ARGS.
- insert(self, *args)
- Insert TEXT in item TAGORID at position POS. ARGS must
- itemcget(self, tagOrId, option)
- Return the resource value for an OPTION for item TAGORID.
- itemconfig = itemconfigure(self, tagOrId, cnf=None, **kw)
- itemconfigure(self, tagOrId, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of an item TAGORID.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method without arguments.
- lift = tag_raise(self, *args)
- lower = tag_lower(self, *args)
- move(self, *args)
- Move an item TAGORID given in ARGS.
- postscript(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Print the contents of the canvas to a postscript
file. Valid options: colormap, colormode, file, fontmap,
height, pageanchor, pageheight, pagewidth, pagex, pagey,
rotate, width, x, y.
- scale(self, *args)
- scan_dragto(self, x, y, gain=10)
- Adjust the view of the canvas to GAIN times the
difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in
- scan_mark(self, x, y)
- Remember the current X, Y coordinates.
- select_adjust(self, tagOrId, index)
- Adjust the end of the selection near the cursor of an item TAGORID to index.
- select_clear(self)
- Clear the selection if it is in this widget.
- select_from(self, tagOrId, index)
- Set the fixed end of a selection in item TAGORID to INDEX.
- select_item(self)
- Return the item which has the selection.
- select_to(self, tagOrId, index)
- Set the variable end of a selection in item TAGORID to INDEX.
- tag_bind(self, tagOrId, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all items with TAGORID at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or whether it will
replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- tag_lower(self, *args)
- Lower an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional below another item).
- tag_raise(self, *args)
- Raise an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional above another item).
- tag_unbind(self, tagOrId, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for all items with TAGORID for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- tkraise = tag_raise(self, *args)
- type(self, tagOrId)
- Return the type of the item TAGORID.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
Methods inherited from XView:
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change the horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units"
or "pages" (WHAT).
Methods inherited from YView:
- yview(self, *args)
- Query and change the vertical position of the view.
- yview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total height of the canvas is off-screen to the top.
- yview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured in
"units" or "pages" (WHAT).
class Checkbutton(Widget) |
Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state. |
- Method resolution order:
- Checkbutton
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a checkbutton widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,
background, bd, bg, bitmap, borderwidth, command, cursor,
disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, height,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, image,
indicatoron, justify, offvalue, onvalue, padx, pady, relief,
selectcolor, selectimage, state, takefocus, text, textvariable,
underline, variable, width, wraplength.
- deselect(self)
- Put the button in off-state.
- flash(self)
- Flash the button.
- invoke(self)
- Toggle the button and invoke a command if given as resource.
- select(self)
- Put the button in on-state.
- toggle(self)
- Toggle the button.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class DoubleVar(Variable) |
Value holder for float variables. |
- Method resolution order:
- DoubleVar
- Variable
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, value=None, name=None)
- Construct a float variable.
MASTER can be given as master widget.
VALUE is an optional value (defaults to 0.0)
NAME is an optional Tcl name (defaults to PY_VARnum).
If NAME matches an existing variable and VALUE is omitted
then the existing value is retained.
- get(self)
- Return the value of the variable as a float.
Methods inherited from Variable:
- __del__(self)
- Unset the variable in Tcl.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Comparison for equality (==).
Note: if the Variable's master matters to behavior
also compare self._master == other._master
- __str__(self)
- Return the name of the variable in Tcl.
- initialize = set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- trace = trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_add(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset", or a list or tuple of
such strings.
Callback must be a function which is called when the variable is
read, written or unset.
Return the name of the callback.
- trace_info(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
- trace_remove(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset" or a list or tuple of
such strings. Must be same as were specified in trace_add().
cbname is the name of the callback returned from trace_add().
- trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_vdelete(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CBNAME is the name of the callback returned from trace_variable or trace.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_remove() instead.
- trace_vinfo(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_info() instead.
Data descriptors inherited from Variable:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from Variable:
- __hash__ = None
class Entry(Widget, XView) |
Entry widget which allows displaying simple text. |
- Method resolution order:
- Entry
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- XView
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct an entry widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,
exportselection, fg, font, foreground, highlightbackground,
highlightcolor, highlightthickness, insertbackground,
insertborderwidth, insertofftime, insertontime, insertwidth,
invalidcommand, invcmd, justify, relief, selectbackground,
selectborderwidth, selectforeground, show, state, takefocus,
textvariable, validate, validatecommand, vcmd, width,
- delete(self, first, last=None)
- Delete text from FIRST to LAST (not included).
- get(self)
- Return the text.
- icursor(self, index)
- Insert cursor at INDEX.
- index(self, index)
- Return position of cursor.
- insert(self, index, string)
- Insert STRING at INDEX.
- scan_dragto(self, x)
- Adjust the view of the canvas to 10 times the
difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in
- scan_mark(self, x)
- Remember the current X, Y coordinates.
- select_adjust = selection_adjust(self, index)
- select_clear = selection_clear(self)
- select_from = selection_from(self, index)
- select_present = selection_present(self)
- select_range = selection_range(self, start, end)
- select_to = selection_to(self, index)
- selection_adjust(self, index)
- Adjust the end of the selection near the cursor to INDEX.
- selection_clear(self)
- Clear the selection if it is in this widget.
- selection_from(self, index)
- Set the fixed end of a selection to INDEX.
- selection_present(self)
- Return True if there are characters selected in the entry, False
- selection_range(self, start, end)
- Set the selection from START to END (not included).
- selection_to(self, index)
- Set the variable end of a selection to INDEX.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
Methods inherited from XView:
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change the horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units"
or "pages" (WHAT).
class Event(builtins.object) |
Container for the properties of an event.
Instances of this type are generated if one of the following events occurs:
KeyPress, KeyRelease - for keyboard events
ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, Motion, Enter, Leave, MouseWheel - for mouse events
Visibility, Unmap, Map, Expose, FocusIn, FocusOut, Circulate,
Colormap, Gravity, Reparent, Property, Destroy, Activate,
Deactivate - for window events.
If a callback function for one of these events is registered
using bind, bind_all, bind_class, or tag_bind, the callback is
called with an Event as first argument. It will have the
following attributes (in braces are the event types for which
the attribute is valid):
serial - serial number of event
num - mouse button pressed (ButtonPress, ButtonRelease)
focus - whether the window has the focus (Enter, Leave)
height - height of the exposed window (Configure, Expose)
width - width of the exposed window (Configure, Expose)
keycode - keycode of the pressed key (KeyPress, KeyRelease)
state - state of the event as a number (ButtonPress, ButtonRelease,
Enter, KeyPress, KeyRelease,
Leave, Motion)
state - state as a string (Visibility)
time - when the event occurred
x - x-position of the mouse
y - y-position of the mouse
x_root - x-position of the mouse on the screen
(ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, KeyRelease, Motion)
y_root - y-position of the mouse on the screen
(ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, KeyRelease, Motion)
char - pressed character (KeyPress, KeyRelease)
send_event - see X/Windows documentation
keysym - keysym of the event as a string (KeyPress, KeyRelease)
keysym_num - keysym of the event as a number (KeyPress, KeyRelease)
type - type of the event as a number
widget - widget in which the event occurred
delta - delta of wheel movement (MouseWheel) |
Methods defined here:
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class EventType(builtins.str, enum.Enum) |
An enumeration. |
- Method resolution order:
- EventType
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
- builtins.object
Data and other attributes defined here:
- Activate = <EventType.Activate: '36'>
- ButtonPress = <EventType.ButtonPress: '4'>
- ButtonRelease = <EventType.ButtonRelease: '5'>
- Circulate = <EventType.Circulate: '26'>
- CirculateRequest = <EventType.CirculateRequest: '27'>
- ClientMessage = <EventType.ClientMessage: '33'>
- Colormap = <EventType.Colormap: '32'>
- Configure = <EventType.Configure: '22'>
- ConfigureRequest = <EventType.ConfigureRequest: '23'>
- Create = <EventType.Create: '16'>
- Deactivate = <EventType.Deactivate: '37'>
- Destroy = <EventType.Destroy: '17'>
- Enter = <EventType.Enter: '7'>
- Expose = <EventType.Expose: '12'>
- FocusIn = <EventType.FocusIn: '9'>
- FocusOut = <EventType.FocusOut: '10'>
- GraphicsExpose = <EventType.GraphicsExpose: '13'>
- Gravity = <EventType.Gravity: '24'>
- KeyPress = <EventType.KeyPress: '2'>
- KeyRelease = <EventType.KeyRelease: '3'>
- Keymap = <EventType.Keymap: '11'>
- Leave = <EventType.Leave: '8'>
- Map = <EventType.Map: '19'>
- MapRequest = <EventType.MapRequest: '20'>
- Mapping = <EventType.Mapping: '34'>
- Motion = <EventType.Motion: '6'>
- MouseWheel = <EventType.MouseWheel: '38'>
- NoExpose = <EventType.NoExpose: '14'>
- Property = <EventType.Property: '28'>
- Reparent = <EventType.Reparent: '21'>
- ResizeRequest = <EventType.ResizeRequest: '25'>
- Selection = <EventType.Selection: '31'>
- SelectionClear = <EventType.SelectionClear: '29'>
- SelectionRequest = <EventType.SelectionRequest: '30'>
- Unmap = <EventType.Unmap: '18'>
- VirtualEvent = <EventType.VirtualEvent: '35'>
- Visibility = <EventType.Visibility: '15'>
Data descriptors inherited from enum.Enum:
- name
- The name of the Enum member.
- value
- The value of the Enum member.
Data descriptors inherited from enum.EnumMeta:
- __members__
- Returns a mapping of member name->value.
This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
is a read-only view of the internal mapping.
class Frame(Widget) |
Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border. |
- Method resolution order:
- Frame
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class,
colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground,
highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, takefocus, visual, width.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Grid(builtins.object) |
Geometry manager Grid.
Base class to use the methods grid_* in every widget. |
Methods defined here:
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- config = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- configure = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- forget = grid_forget(self)
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- info = grid_info(self)
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- propagate = grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- size = grid_size(self)
- slaves = grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Image(builtins.object) |
Base class for images. |
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __getitem__(self, key)
- __init__(self, imgtype, name=None, cnf={}, master=None, **kw)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return str(self).
- config = configure(self, **kw)
- configure(self, **kw)
- Configure the image.
- height(self)
- Return the height of the image.
- type(self)
- Return the type of the image, e.g. "photo" or "bitmap".
- width(self)
- Return the width of the image.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class IntVar(Variable) |
Value holder for integer variables. |
- Method resolution order:
- IntVar
- Variable
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, value=None, name=None)
- Construct an integer variable.
MASTER can be given as master widget.
VALUE is an optional value (defaults to 0)
NAME is an optional Tcl name (defaults to PY_VARnum).
If NAME matches an existing variable and VALUE is omitted
then the existing value is retained.
- get(self)
- Return the value of the variable as an integer.
Methods inherited from Variable:
- __del__(self)
- Unset the variable in Tcl.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Comparison for equality (==).
Note: if the Variable's master matters to behavior
also compare self._master == other._master
- __str__(self)
- Return the name of the variable in Tcl.
- initialize = set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- trace = trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_add(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset", or a list or tuple of
such strings.
Callback must be a function which is called when the variable is
read, written or unset.
Return the name of the callback.
- trace_info(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
- trace_remove(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset" or a list or tuple of
such strings. Must be same as were specified in trace_add().
cbname is the name of the callback returned from trace_add().
- trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_vdelete(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CBNAME is the name of the callback returned from trace_variable or trace.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_remove() instead.
- trace_vinfo(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_info() instead.
Data descriptors inherited from Variable:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from Variable:
- __hash__ = None
class Label(Widget) |
Label widget which can display text and bitmaps. |
- Method resolution order:
- Label
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a label widget with the parent MASTER.
activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,
background, bitmap, borderwidth, cursor,
disabledforeground, font, foreground,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, image, justify,
padx, pady, relief, takefocus, text,
textvariable, underline, wraplength
height, state, width
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class LabelFrame(Widget) |
labelframe widget. |
- Method resolution order:
- LabelFrame
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a labelframe widget with the parent MASTER.
borderwidth, cursor, font, foreground,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, padx, pady, relief,
takefocus, text
background, class, colormap, container,
height, labelanchor, labelwidget,
visual, width
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Listbox(Widget, XView, YView) |
Listbox widget which can display a list of strings. |
- Method resolution order:
- Listbox
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- XView
- YView
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a listbox widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,
exportselection, fg, font, foreground, height, highlightbackground,
highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, selectbackground,
selectborderwidth, selectforeground, selectmode, setgrid, takefocus,
width, xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand, listvariable.
- activate(self, index)
- Activate item identified by INDEX.
- bbox(self, index)
- Return a tuple of X1,Y1,X2,Y2 coordinates for a rectangle
which encloses the item identified by the given index.
- curselection(self)
- Return the indices of currently selected item.
- delete(self, first, last=None)
- Delete items from FIRST to LAST (included).
- get(self, first, last=None)
- Get list of items from FIRST to LAST (included).
- index(self, index)
- Return index of item identified with INDEX.
- insert(self, index, *elements)
- itemcget(self, index, option)
- Return the resource value for an ITEM and an OPTION.
- itemconfig = itemconfigure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- itemconfigure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of an ITEM.
The values for resources are specified as keyword arguments.
To get an overview about the allowed keyword arguments
call the method without arguments.
Valid resource names: background, bg, foreground, fg,
selectbackground, selectforeground.
- nearest(self, y)
- Get index of item which is nearest to y coordinate Y.
- scan_dragto(self, x, y)
- Adjust the view of the listbox to 10 times the
difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in
- scan_mark(self, x, y)
- Remember the current X, Y coordinates.
- see(self, index)
- Scroll such that INDEX is visible.
- select_anchor = selection_anchor(self, index)
- select_clear = selection_clear(self, first, last=None)
- select_includes = selection_includes(self, index)
- select_set = selection_set(self, first, last=None)
- selection_anchor(self, index)
- Set the fixed end oft the selection to INDEX.
- selection_clear(self, first, last=None)
- Clear the selection from FIRST to LAST (included).
- selection_includes(self, index)
- Return 1 if INDEX is part of the selection.
- selection_set(self, first, last=None)
- Set the selection from FIRST to LAST (included) without
changing the currently selected elements.
- size(self)
- Return the number of elements in the listbox.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
Methods inherited from XView:
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change the horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units"
or "pages" (WHAT).
Methods inherited from YView:
- yview(self, *args)
- Query and change the vertical position of the view.
- yview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total height of the canvas is off-screen to the top.
- yview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured in
"units" or "pages" (WHAT).
class Menu(Widget) |
Menu widget which allows displaying menu bars, pull-down menus and pop-up menus. |
- Method resolution order:
- Menu
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct menu widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: activebackground, activeborderwidth,
activeforeground, background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor,
disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, postcommand, relief,
selectcolor, takefocus, tearoff, tearoffcommand, title, type.
- activate(self, index)
- Activate entry at INDEX.
- add(self, itemType, cnf={}, **kw)
- Internal function.
- add_cascade(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add hierarchical menu item.
- add_checkbutton(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add checkbutton menu item.
- add_command(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add command menu item.
- add_radiobutton(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Addd radio menu item.
- add_separator(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add separator.
- delete(self, index1, index2=None)
- Delete menu items between INDEX1 and INDEX2 (included).
- entrycget(self, index, option)
- Return the resource value of a menu item for OPTION at INDEX.
- entryconfig = entryconfigure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- entryconfigure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure a menu item at INDEX.
- index(self, index)
- Return the index of a menu item identified by INDEX.
- insert(self, index, itemType, cnf={}, **kw)
- Internal function.
- insert_cascade(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add hierarchical menu item at INDEX.
- insert_checkbutton(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add checkbutton menu item at INDEX.
- insert_command(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add command menu item at INDEX.
- insert_radiobutton(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Addd radio menu item at INDEX.
- insert_separator(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Add separator at INDEX.
- invoke(self, index)
- Invoke a menu item identified by INDEX and execute
the associated command.
- post(self, x, y)
- Display a menu at position X,Y.
- tk_popup(self, x, y, entry='')
- Post the menu at position X,Y with entry ENTRY.
- type(self, index)
- Return the type of the menu item at INDEX.
- unpost(self)
- Unmap a menu.
- xposition(self, index)
- Return the x-position of the leftmost pixel of the menu item
- yposition(self, index)
- Return the y-position of the topmost pixel of the menu item at INDEX.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Menubutton(Widget) |
Menubutton widget, obsolete since Tk8.0. |
- Method resolution order:
- Menubutton
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a widget with the parent widget MASTER, a name WIDGETNAME
and appropriate options.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Message(Widget) |
Message widget to display multiline text. Obsolete since Label does it too. |
- Method resolution order:
- Message
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a widget with the parent widget MASTER, a name WIDGETNAME
and appropriate options.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Misc(builtins.object) |
Internal class.
Base class which defines methods common for interior widgets. |
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- destroy(self)
- Internal function.
Delete all Tcl commands created for
this widget in the Tcl interpreter.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class OptionMenu(Menubutton) |
OptionMenu which allows the user to select a value from a menu. |
- Method resolution order:
- OptionMenu
- Menubutton
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__(self, name)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __init__(self, master, variable, value, *values, **kwargs)
- Construct an optionmenu widget with the parent MASTER, with
the resource textvariable set to VARIABLE, the initially selected
value VALUE, the other menu values VALUES and an additional
keyword argument command.
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this widget and the associated menu.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Pack(builtins.object) |
Geometry manager Pack.
Base class to use the methods pack_* in every widget. |
Methods defined here:
- config = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- configure = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- info = pack_info(self)
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class PanedWindow(Widget) |
panedwindow widget. |
- Method resolution order:
- PanedWindow
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a panedwindow widget with the parent MASTER.
background, borderwidth, cursor, height,
orient, relief, width
handlepad, handlesize, opaqueresize,
sashcursor, sashpad, sashrelief,
sashwidth, showhandle,
- add(self, child, **kw)
- Add a child widget to the panedwindow in a new pane.
The child argument is the name of the child widget
followed by pairs of arguments that specify how to
manage the windows. The possible options and values
are the ones accepted by the paneconfigure method.
- forget = remove(self, child)
- identify(self, x, y)
- Identify the panedwindow component at point x, y
If the point is over a sash or a sash handle, the result
is a two element list containing the index of the sash or
handle, and a word indicating whether it is over a sash
or a handle, such as {0 sash} or {2 handle}. If the point
is over any other part of the panedwindow, the result is
an empty list.
- panecget(self, child, option)
- Query a management option for window.
Option may be any value allowed by the paneconfigure subcommand
- paneconfig = paneconfigure(self, tagOrId, cnf=None, **kw)
- paneconfigure(self, tagOrId, cnf=None, **kw)
- Query or modify the management options for window.
If no option is specified, returns a list describing all
of the available options for pathName. If option is
specified with no value, then the command returns a list
describing the one named option (this list will be identical
to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no
option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are
specified, then the command modifies the given widget
option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the
command returns an empty string. The following options
are supported:
after window
Insert the window after the window specified. window
should be the name of a window already managed by pathName.
before window
Insert the window before the window specified. window
should be the name of a window already managed by pathName.
height size
Specify a height for the window. The height will be the
outer dimension of the window including its border, if
any. If size is an empty string, or if -height is not
specified, then the height requested internally by the
window will be used initially; the height may later be
adjusted by the movement of sashes in the panedwindow.
Size may be any value accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
minsize n
Specifies that the size of the window cannot be made
less than n. This constraint only affects the size of
the widget in the paned dimension -- the x dimension
for horizontal panedwindows, the y dimension for
vertical panedwindows. May be any value accepted by
padx n
Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much
extra space to leave on each side of the window in
the X-direction. The value may have any of the forms
accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
pady n
Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much
extra space to leave on each side of the window in
the Y-direction. The value may have any of the forms
accepted by Tk_GetPixels.
sticky style
If a window's pane is larger than the requested
dimensions of the window, this option may be used
to position (or stretch) the window within its pane.
Style is a string that contains zero or more of the
characters n, s, e or w. The string can optionally
contains spaces or commas, but they are ignored. Each
letter refers to a side (north, south, east, or west)
that the window will "stick" to. If both n and s
(or e and w) are specified, the window will be
stretched to fill the entire height (or width) of
its cavity.
width size
Specify a width for the window. The width will be
the outer dimension of the window including its
border, if any. If size is an empty string, or
if -width is not specified, then the width requested
internally by the window will be used initially; the
width may later be adjusted by the movement of sashes
in the panedwindow. Size may be any value accepted by
- panes(self)
- Returns an ordered list of the child panes.
- proxy(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- proxy_coord(self)
- Return the x and y pair of the most recent proxy location
- proxy_forget(self)
- Remove the proxy from the display.
- proxy_place(self, x, y)
- Place the proxy at the given x and y coordinates.
- remove(self, child)
- Remove the pane containing child from the panedwindow
All geometry management options for child will be forgotten.
- sash(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- sash_coord(self, index)
- Return the current x and y pair for the sash given by index.
Index must be an integer between 0 and 1 less than the
number of panes in the panedwindow. The coordinates given are
those of the top left corner of the region containing the sash.
pathName sash dragto index x y This command computes the
difference between the given coordinates and the coordinates
given to the last sash coord command for the given sash. It then
moves that sash the computed difference. The return value is the
empty string.
- sash_mark(self, index)
- Records x and y for the sash given by index;
Used in conjunction with later dragto commands to move the sash.
- sash_place(self, index, x, y)
- Place the sash given by index at the given coordinates
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class PhotoImage(Image) |
Widget which can display images in PGM, PPM, GIF, PNG format. |
- Method resolution order:
- PhotoImage
- Image
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__(self, key)
- # XXX config
- __init__(self, name=None, cnf={}, master=None, **kw)
- Create an image with NAME.
Valid resource names: data, format, file, gamma, height, palette,
- blank(self)
- Display a transparent image.
- cget(self, option)
- Return the value of OPTION.
- copy(self)
- Return a new PhotoImage with the same image as this widget.
- get(self, x, y)
- Return the color (red, green, blue) of the pixel at X,Y.
- put(self, data, to=None)
- Put row formatted colors to image starting from
position TO, e.g. image.put("{red green} {blue yellow}", to=(4,6))
- subsample(self, x, y='')
- Return a new PhotoImage based on the same image as this widget
but use only every Xth or Yth pixel. If y is not given, the
default value is the same as x.
- write(self, filename, format=None, from_coords=None)
- Write image to file FILENAME in FORMAT starting from
position FROM_COORDS.
- zoom(self, x, y='')
- Return a new PhotoImage with the same image as this widget
but zoom it with a factor of x in the X direction and y in the Y
direction. If y is not given, the default value is the same as x.
Methods inherited from Image:
- __del__(self)
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return str(self).
- config = configure(self, **kw)
- Configure the image.
- configure(self, **kw)
- Configure the image.
- height(self)
- Return the height of the image.
- type(self)
- Return the type of the image, e.g. "photo" or "bitmap".
- width(self)
- Return the width of the image.
Data descriptors inherited from Image:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Place(builtins.object) |
Geometry manager Place.
Base class to use the methods place_* in every widget. |
Methods defined here:
- config = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- configure = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- forget = place_forget(self)
- info = place_info(self)
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- slaves = place_slaves(self)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Radiobutton(Widget) |
Radiobutton widget which shows only one of several buttons in on-state. |
- Method resolution order:
- Radiobutton
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a radiobutton widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: activebackground, activeforeground, anchor,
background, bd, bg, bitmap, borderwidth, command, cursor,
disabledforeground, fg, font, foreground, height,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, image,
indicatoron, justify, padx, pady, relief, selectcolor, selectimage,
state, takefocus, text, textvariable, underline, value, variable,
width, wraplength.
- deselect(self)
- Put the button in off-state.
- flash(self)
- Flash the button.
- invoke(self)
- Toggle the button and invoke a command if given as resource.
- select(self)
- Put the button in on-state.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Scale(Widget) |
Scale widget which can display a numerical scale. |
- Method resolution order:
- Scale
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a scale widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: activebackground, background, bigincrement, bd,
bg, borderwidth, command, cursor, digits, fg, font, foreground, from,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, label,
length, orient, relief, repeatdelay, repeatinterval, resolution,
showvalue, sliderlength, sliderrelief, state, takefocus,
tickinterval, to, troughcolor, variable, width.
- coords(self, value=None)
- Return a tuple (X,Y) of the point along the centerline of the
trough that corresponds to VALUE or the current value if None is
- get(self)
- Get the current value as integer or float.
- identify(self, x, y)
- Return where the point X,Y lies. Valid return values are "slider",
"though1" and "though2".
- set(self, value)
- Set the value to VALUE.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Scrollbar(Widget) |
Scrollbar widget which displays a slider at a certain position. |
- Method resolution order:
- Scrollbar
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a scrollbar widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: activebackground, activerelief,
background, bd, bg, borderwidth, command, cursor,
elementborderwidth, highlightbackground,
highlightcolor, highlightthickness, jump, orient,
relief, repeatdelay, repeatinterval, takefocus,
troughcolor, width.
- activate(self, index=None)
- Marks the element indicated by index as active.
The only index values understood by this method are "arrow1",
"slider", or "arrow2". If any other value is specified then no
element of the scrollbar will be active. If index is not specified,
the method returns the name of the element that is currently active,
or None if no element is active.
- delta(self, deltax, deltay)
- Return the fractional change of the scrollbar setting if it
would be moved by DELTAX or DELTAY pixels.
- fraction(self, x, y)
- Return the fractional value which corresponds to a slider
position of X,Y.
- get(self)
- Return the current fractional values (upper and lower end)
of the slider position.
- identify(self, x, y)
- Return the element under position X,Y as one of
"arrow1","slider","arrow2" or "".
- set(self, first, last)
- Set the fractional values of the slider position (upper and
lower ends as value between 0 and 1).
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Spinbox(Widget, XView) |
spinbox widget. |
- Method resolution order:
- Spinbox
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- XView
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a spinbox widget with the parent MASTER.
activebackground, background, borderwidth,
cursor, exportselection, font, foreground,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, insertbackground,
insertborderwidth, insertofftime,
insertontime, insertwidth, justify, relief,
repeatdelay, repeatinterval,
selectbackground, selectborderwidth
selectforeground, takefocus, textvariable
buttonbackground, buttoncursor,
buttondownrelief, buttonuprelief,
command, disabledbackground,
disabledforeground, format, from,
invalidcommand, increment,
readonlybackground, state, to,
validate, validatecommand values,
width, wrap,
- bbox(self, index)
- Return a tuple of X1,Y1,X2,Y2 coordinates for a
rectangle which encloses the character given by index.
The first two elements of the list give the x and y
coordinates of the upper-left corner of the screen
area covered by the character (in pixels relative
to the widget) and the last two elements give the
width and height of the character, in pixels. The
bounding box may refer to a region outside the
visible area of the window.
- delete(self, first, last=None)
- Delete one or more elements of the spinbox.
First is the index of the first character to delete,
and last is the index of the character just after
the last one to delete. If last isn't specified it
defaults to first+1, i.e. a single character is
deleted. This command returns an empty string.
- get(self)
- Returns the spinbox's string
- icursor(self, index)
- Alter the position of the insertion cursor.
The insertion cursor will be displayed just before
the character given by index. Returns an empty string
- identify(self, x, y)
- Returns the name of the widget at position x, y
Return value is one of: none, buttondown, buttonup, entry
- index(self, index)
- Returns the numerical index corresponding to index
- insert(self, index, s)
- Insert string s at index
Returns an empty string.
- invoke(self, element)
- Causes the specified element to be invoked
The element could be buttondown or buttonup
triggering the action associated with it.
- scan(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- scan_dragto(self, x)
- Compute the difference between the given x argument
and the x argument to the last scan mark command
It then adjusts the view left or right by 10 times the
difference in x-coordinates. This command is typically
associated with mouse motion events in the widget, to
produce the effect of dragging the spinbox at high speed
through the window. The return value is an empty string.
- scan_mark(self, x)
- Records x and the current view in the spinbox window;
used in conjunction with later scan dragto commands.
Typically this command is associated with a mouse button
press in the widget. It returns an empty string.
- selection(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- selection_adjust(self, index)
- Locate the end of the selection nearest to the character
given by index,
Then adjust that end of the selection to be at index
(i.e including but not going beyond index). The other
end of the selection is made the anchor point for future
select to commands. If the selection isn't currently in
the spinbox, then a new selection is created to include
the characters between index and the most recent selection
anchor point, inclusive. Returns an empty string.
- selection_clear(self)
- Clear the selection
If the selection isn't in this widget then the
command has no effect. Returns an empty string.
- selection_element(self, element=None)
- Sets or gets the currently selected element.
If a spinbutton element is specified, it will be
displayed depressed
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
Methods inherited from XView:
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change the horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units"
or "pages" (WHAT).
class StringVar(Variable) |
Value holder for strings variables. |
- Method resolution order:
- StringVar
- Variable
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, value=None, name=None)
- Construct a string variable.
MASTER can be given as master widget.
VALUE is an optional value (defaults to "")
NAME is an optional Tcl name (defaults to PY_VARnum).
If NAME matches an existing variable and VALUE is omitted
then the existing value is retained.
- get(self)
- Return value of variable as string.
Methods inherited from Variable:
- __del__(self)
- Unset the variable in Tcl.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Comparison for equality (==).
Note: if the Variable's master matters to behavior
also compare self._master == other._master
- __str__(self)
- Return the name of the variable in Tcl.
- initialize = set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- trace = trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_add(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset", or a list or tuple of
such strings.
Callback must be a function which is called when the variable is
read, written or unset.
Return the name of the callback.
- trace_info(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
- trace_remove(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset" or a list or tuple of
such strings. Must be same as were specified in trace_add().
cbname is the name of the callback returned from trace_add().
- trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_vdelete(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CBNAME is the name of the callback returned from trace_variable or trace.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_remove() instead.
- trace_vinfo(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_info() instead.
Data descriptors inherited from Variable:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from Variable:
- __hash__ = None
class Text(Widget, XView, YView) |
Text widget which can display text in various forms. |
- Method resolution order:
- Text
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- XView
- YView
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a text widget with the parent MASTER.
background, borderwidth, cursor,
exportselection, font, foreground,
highlightbackground, highlightcolor,
highlightthickness, insertbackground,
insertborderwidth, insertofftime,
insertontime, insertwidth, padx, pady,
relief, selectbackground,
selectborderwidth, selectforeground,
setgrid, takefocus,
xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand,
autoseparators, height, maxundo,
spacing1, spacing2, spacing3,
state, tabs, undo, width, wrap,
- bbox(self, index)
- Return a tuple of (x,y,width,height) which gives the bounding
box of the visible part of the character at the given index.
- compare(self, index1, op, index2)
- Return whether between index INDEX1 and index INDEX2 the
relation OP is satisfied. OP is one of <, <=, ==, >=, >, or !=.
- count(self, index1, index2, *args)
- Counts the number of relevant things between the two indices.
If index1 is after index2, the result will be a negative number
(and this holds for each of the possible options).
The actual items which are counted depends on the options given by
args. The result is a list of integers, one for the result of each
counting option given. Valid counting options are "chars",
"displaychars", "displayindices", "displaylines", "indices",
"lines", "xpixels" and "ypixels". There is an additional possible
option "update", which if given then all subsequent options ensure
that any possible out of date information is recalculated.
- debug(self, boolean=None)
- Turn on the internal consistency checks of the B-Tree inside the text
widget according to BOOLEAN.
- delete(self, index1, index2=None)
- Delete the characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2 (not included).
- dlineinfo(self, index)
- Return tuple (x,y,width,height,baseline) giving the bounding box
and baseline position of the visible part of the line containing
the character at INDEX.
- dump(self, index1, index2=None, command=None, **kw)
- Return the contents of the widget between index1 and index2.
The type of contents returned in filtered based on the keyword
parameters; if 'all', 'image', 'mark', 'tag', 'text', or 'window' are
given and true, then the corresponding items are returned. The result
is a list of triples of the form (key, value, index). If none of the
keywords are true then 'all' is used by default.
If the 'command' argument is given, it is called once for each element
of the list of triples, with the values of each triple serving as the
arguments to the function. In this case the list is not returned.
- edit(self, *args)
- Internal method
This method controls the undo mechanism and
the modified flag. The exact behavior of the
command depends on the option argument that
follows the edit argument. The following forms
of the command are currently supported:
edit_modified, edit_redo, edit_reset, edit_separator
and edit_undo
- edit_modified(self, arg=None)
- Get or Set the modified flag
If arg is not specified, returns the modified
flag of the widget. The insert, delete, edit undo and
edit redo commands or the user can set or clear the
modified flag. If boolean is specified, sets the
modified flag of the widget to arg.
- edit_redo(self)
- Redo the last undone edit
When the undo option is true, reapplies the last
undone edits provided no other edits were done since
then. Generates an error when the redo stack is empty.
Does nothing when the undo option is false.
- edit_reset(self)
- Clears the undo and redo stacks
- edit_separator(self)
- Inserts a separator (boundary) on the undo stack.
Does nothing when the undo option is false
- edit_undo(self)
- Undoes the last edit action
If the undo option is true. An edit action is defined
as all the insert and delete commands that are recorded
on the undo stack in between two separators. Generates
an error when the undo stack is empty. Does nothing
when the undo option is false
- get(self, index1, index2=None)
- Return the text from INDEX1 to INDEX2 (not included).
- image_cget(self, index, option)
- Return the value of OPTION of an embedded image at INDEX.
- image_configure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure an embedded image at INDEX.
- image_create(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Create an embedded image at INDEX.
- image_names(self)
- Return all names of embedded images in this widget.
- index(self, index)
- Return the index in the form line.char for INDEX.
- insert(self, index, chars, *args)
- Insert CHARS before the characters at INDEX. An additional
tag can be given in ARGS. Additional CHARS and tags can follow in ARGS.
- mark_gravity(self, markName, direction=None)
- Change the gravity of a mark MARKNAME to DIRECTION (LEFT or RIGHT).
Return the current value if None is given for DIRECTION.
- mark_names(self)
- Return all mark names.
- mark_next(self, index)
- Return the name of the next mark after INDEX.
- mark_previous(self, index)
- Return the name of the previous mark before INDEX.
- mark_set(self, markName, index)
- Set mark MARKNAME before the character at INDEX.
- mark_unset(self, *markNames)
- Delete all marks in MARKNAMES.
- peer_create(self, newPathName, cnf={}, **kw)
- Creates a peer text widget with the given newPathName, and any
optional standard configuration options. By default the peer will
have the same start and end line as the parent widget, but
these can be overridden with the standard configuration options.
- peer_names(self)
- Returns a list of peers of this widget (this does not include
the widget itself).
- replace(self, index1, index2, chars, *args)
- Replaces the range of characters between index1 and index2 with
the given characters and tags specified by args.
See the method insert for some more information about args, and the
method delete for information about the indices.
- scan_dragto(self, x, y)
- Adjust the view of the text to 10 times the
difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in
- scan_mark(self, x, y)
- Remember the current X, Y coordinates.
- search(self, pattern, index, stopindex=None, forwards=None, backwards=None, exact=None, regexp=None, nocase=None, count=None, elide=None)
- Search PATTERN beginning from INDEX until STOPINDEX.
Return the index of the first character of a match or an
empty string.
- see(self, index)
- Scroll such that the character at INDEX is visible.
- tag_add(self, tagName, index1, *args)
- Add tag TAGNAME to all characters between INDEX1 and index2 in ARGS.
Additional pairs of indices may follow in ARGS.
- tag_bind(self, tagName, sequence, func, add=None)
- Bind to all characters with TAGNAME at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or whether it will
replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- tag_cget(self, tagName, option)
- Return the value of OPTION for tag TAGNAME.
- tag_config = tag_configure(self, tagName, cnf=None, **kw)
- tag_configure(self, tagName, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure a tag TAGNAME.
- tag_delete(self, *tagNames)
- Delete all tags in TAGNAMES.
- tag_lower(self, tagName, belowThis=None)
- Change the priority of tag TAGNAME such that it is lower
than the priority of BELOWTHIS.
- tag_names(self, index=None)
- Return a list of all tag names.
- tag_nextrange(self, tagName, index1, index2=None)
- Return a list of start and end index for the first sequence of
characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2 which all have tag TAGNAME.
The text is searched forward from INDEX1.
- tag_prevrange(self, tagName, index1, index2=None)
- Return a list of start and end index for the first sequence of
characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2 which all have tag TAGNAME.
The text is searched backwards from INDEX1.
- tag_raise(self, tagName, aboveThis=None)
- Change the priority of tag TAGNAME such that it is higher
than the priority of ABOVETHIS.
- tag_ranges(self, tagName)
- Return a list of ranges of text which have tag TAGNAME.
- tag_remove(self, tagName, index1, index2=None)
- Remove tag TAGNAME from all characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2.
- tag_unbind(self, tagName, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for all characters with TAGNAME for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- window_cget(self, index, option)
- Return the value of OPTION of an embedded window at INDEX.
- window_config = window_configure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- window_configure(self, index, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure an embedded window at INDEX.
- window_create(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Create a window at INDEX.
- window_names(self)
- Return all names of embedded windows in this widget.
- yview_pickplace(self, *what)
- Obsolete function, use see.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
Methods inherited from XView:
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change the horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units"
or "pages" (WHAT).
Methods inherited from YView:
- yview(self, *args)
- Query and change the vertical position of the view.
- yview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total height of the canvas is off-screen to the top.
- yview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured in
"units" or "pages" (WHAT).
class Tk(Misc, Wm) |
Toplevel widget of Tk which represents mostly the main window
of an application. It has an associated Tcl interpreter. |
- Method resolution order:
- Tk
- Misc
- Wm
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __getattr__(self, attr)
- Delegate attribute access to the interpreter object
- __init__(self, screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=1, sync=0, use=None)
- Return a new Toplevel widget on screen SCREENNAME. A new Tcl interpreter will
be created. BASENAME will be used for the identification of the profile file (see
It is constructed from sys.argv[0] without extensions if None is given. CLASSNAME
is the name of the widget class.
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets. This will
end the application of this Tcl interpreter.
- loadtk(self)
- readprofile(self, baseName, className)
- Internal function. It reads BASENAME.tcl and CLASSNAME.tcl into
the Tcl Interpreter and calls exec on the contents of BASENAME.py and
CLASSNAME.py if such a file exists in the home directory.
- report_callback_exception(self, exc, val, tb)
- Report callback exception on sys.stderr.
Applications may want to override this internal function, and
should when sys.stderr is None.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Wm:
- aspect = wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- attributes = wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- client = wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- colormapwindows = wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- command = wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- deiconify = wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- focusmodel = wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- forget = wm_forget(self, window)
- The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer
be managed by wm. toplevel windows will be treated like frame
windows once they are no longer managed by wm, however, the menu
option configuration will be remembered and the menus will return
once the widget is managed again.
- frame = wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- geometry = wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- grid = wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- group = wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- iconbitmap = wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
Under Windows, the DEFAULT parameter can be used to set the icon
for the widget and any descendents that don't have an icon set
explicitly. DEFAULT can be the relative path to a .ico file
(example: root.iconbitmap(default='myicon.ico') ). See Tk
documentation for more information.
- iconify = wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- iconmask = wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- iconname = wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- iconphoto = wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args)
- Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo
images passed through args. If default is True, this is applied to
all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected
to the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow
different images sizes to be provided. The window manager may scale
provided icons to an appropriate size.
On Windows, the images are packed into a Windows icon structure.
This will override an icon specified to wm_iconbitmap, and vice
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property,
which most modern window managers support. An icon specified by
wm_iconbitmap may exist simultaneously.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
- iconposition = wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- iconwindow = wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- manage = wm_manage(self, widget)
- The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window.
The window will be decorated with the window managers title bar,
- maxsize = wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- minsize = wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- overrideredirect = wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- positionfrom = wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- protocol = wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- resizable = wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- sizefrom = wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- state = wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- title = wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- transient = wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- withdraw = wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
- wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- wm_forget(self, window)
- The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer
be managed by wm. toplevel windows will be treated like frame
windows once they are no longer managed by wm, however, the menu
option configuration will be remembered and the menus will return
once the widget is managed again.
- wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
Under Windows, the DEFAULT parameter can be used to set the icon
for the widget and any descendents that don't have an icon set
explicitly. DEFAULT can be the relative path to a .ico file
(example: root.iconbitmap(default='myicon.ico') ). See Tk
documentation for more information.
- wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args)
- Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo
images passed through args. If default is True, this is applied to
all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected
to the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow
different images sizes to be provided. The window manager may scale
provided icons to an appropriate size.
On Windows, the images are packed into a Windows icon structure.
This will override an icon specified to wm_iconbitmap, and vice
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property,
which most modern window managers support. An icon specified by
wm_iconbitmap may exist simultaneously.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
- wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- wm_manage(self, widget)
- The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window.
The window will be decorated with the window managers title bar,
- wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
class Toplevel(BaseWidget, Wm) |
Toplevel widget, e.g. for dialogs. |
- Method resolution order:
- Toplevel
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Wm
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw)
- Construct a toplevel widget with the parent MASTER.
Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class,
colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground,
highlightcolor, highlightthickness, menu, relief, screen, takefocus,
use, visual, width.
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Wm:
- aspect = wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- attributes = wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- client = wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- colormapwindows = wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- command = wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- deiconify = wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- focusmodel = wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- forget = wm_forget(self, window)
- The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer
be managed by wm. toplevel windows will be treated like frame
windows once they are no longer managed by wm, however, the menu
option configuration will be remembered and the menus will return
once the widget is managed again.
- frame = wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- geometry = wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- grid = wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- group = wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- iconbitmap = wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
Under Windows, the DEFAULT parameter can be used to set the icon
for the widget and any descendents that don't have an icon set
explicitly. DEFAULT can be the relative path to a .ico file
(example: root.iconbitmap(default='myicon.ico') ). See Tk
documentation for more information.
- iconify = wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- iconmask = wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- iconname = wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- iconphoto = wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args)
- Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo
images passed through args. If default is True, this is applied to
all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected
to the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow
different images sizes to be provided. The window manager may scale
provided icons to an appropriate size.
On Windows, the images are packed into a Windows icon structure.
This will override an icon specified to wm_iconbitmap, and vice
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property,
which most modern window managers support. An icon specified by
wm_iconbitmap may exist simultaneously.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
- iconposition = wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- iconwindow = wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- manage = wm_manage(self, widget)
- The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window.
The window will be decorated with the window managers title bar,
- maxsize = wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- minsize = wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- overrideredirect = wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- positionfrom = wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- protocol = wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- resizable = wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- sizefrom = wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- state = wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- title = wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- transient = wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- withdraw = wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
- wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- wm_forget(self, window)
- The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer
be managed by wm. toplevel windows will be treated like frame
windows once they are no longer managed by wm, however, the menu
option configuration will be remembered and the menus will return
once the widget is managed again.
- wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
Under Windows, the DEFAULT parameter can be used to set the icon
for the widget and any descendents that don't have an icon set
explicitly. DEFAULT can be the relative path to a .ico file
(example: root.iconbitmap(default='myicon.ico') ). See Tk
documentation for more information.
- wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args)
- Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo
images passed through args. If default is True, this is applied to
all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected
to the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow
different images sizes to be provided. The window manager may scale
provided icons to an appropriate size.
On Windows, the images are packed into a Windows icon structure.
This will override an icon specified to wm_iconbitmap, and vice
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property,
which most modern window managers support. An icon specified by
wm_iconbitmap may exist simultaneously.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
- wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- wm_manage(self, widget)
- The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window.
The window will be decorated with the window managers title bar,
- wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
class Variable(builtins.object) |
Class to define value holders for e.g. buttons.
Subclasses StringVar, IntVar, DoubleVar, BooleanVar are specializations
that constrain the type of the value returned from get(). |
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- Unset the variable in Tcl.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Comparison for equality (==).
Note: if the Variable's master matters to behavior
also compare self._master == other._master
- __init__(self, master=None, value=None, name=None)
- Construct a variable
MASTER can be given as master widget.
VALUE is an optional value (defaults to "")
NAME is an optional Tcl name (defaults to PY_VARnum).
If NAME matches an existing variable and VALUE is omitted
then the existing value is retained.
- __str__(self)
- Return the name of the variable in Tcl.
- get(self)
- Return value of variable.
- initialize = set(self, value)
- set(self, value)
- Set the variable to VALUE.
- trace = trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- trace_add(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset", or a list or tuple of
such strings.
Callback must be a function which is called when the variable is
read, written or unset.
Return the name of the callback.
- trace_info(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
- trace_remove(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
Mode is one of "read", "write", "unset" or a list or tuple of
such strings. Must be same as were specified in trace_add().
cbname is the name of the callback returned from trace_add().
- trace_variable(self, mode, callback)
- Define a trace callback for the variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CALLBACK must be a function which is called when
the variable is read, written or undefined.
Return the name of the callback.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_add() instead.
- trace_vdelete(self, mode, cbname)
- Delete the trace callback for a variable.
MODE is one of "r", "w", "u" for read, write, undefine.
CBNAME is the name of the callback returned from trace_variable or trace.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_remove() instead.
- trace_vinfo(self)
- Return all trace callback information.
This deprecated method wraps a deprecated Tcl method that will
likely be removed in the future. Use trace_info() instead.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __hash__ = None
class Widget(BaseWidget, Pack, Place, Grid) |
Internal class.
Base class for a widget which can be positioned with the geometry managers
Pack, Place or Grid. |
- Method resolution order:
- Widget
- BaseWidget
- Misc
- Pack
- Place
- Grid
- builtins.object
Methods inherited from BaseWidget:
- __init__(self, master, widgetName, cnf={}, kw={}, extra=())
- Construct a widget with the parent widget MASTER, a name WIDGETNAME
and appropriate options.
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __repr__(self)
- Return repr(self).
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- __str__(self)
- Return the window path name of this widget.
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- anchor = grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- clipboard_get(self, **kw)
- Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display.
The window keyword defaults to the root window of the Tkinter
The type keyword specifies the form in which the data is
to be returned and should be an atom name such as STRING
or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to STRING, except on X11, where the default
is to try UTF8_STRING and fall back to STRING.
This command is equivalent to:
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getdouble(self, s)
- getint(self, s)
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_anchor(self, anchor=None)
- The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the
master when no row/column has any weight.
The default anchor is nw.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. photo bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use. A keyword parameter type specifies the form of data to be
fetched, defaulting to STRING except on X11, where UTF8_STRING is tried
before STRING.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window manager name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=False)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if includeids is true is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data descriptors inherited from Misc:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed
in_=master - see 'in' option description
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of
master widget into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
in_=master - see 'in' option description
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class Wm(builtins.object) |
Provides functions for the communication with the window manager. |
Methods defined here:
- aspect = wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- attributes = wm_attributes(self, *args)
- client = wm_client(self, name=None)
- colormapwindows = wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- command = wm_command(self, value=None)
- deiconify = wm_deiconify(self)
- focusmodel = wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- forget = wm_forget(self, window)
- frame = wm_frame(self)
- geometry = wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- grid = wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- group = wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- iconbitmap = wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None)
- iconify = wm_iconify(self)
- iconmask = wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- iconname = wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- iconphoto = wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args)
- iconposition = wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- iconwindow = wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- manage = wm_manage(self, widget)
- maxsize = wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- minsize = wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- overrideredirect = wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- positionfrom = wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- protocol = wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- resizable = wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- sizefrom = wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- state = wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- title = wm_title(self, string=None)
- transient = wm_transient(self, master=None)
- withdraw = wm_withdraw(self)
- wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- wm_forget(self, window)
- The window will be unmapped from the screen and will no longer
be managed by wm. toplevel windows will be treated like frame
windows once they are no longer managed by wm, however, the menu
option configuration will be remembered and the menus will return
once the widget is managed again.
- wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
Under Windows, the DEFAULT parameter can be used to set the icon
for the widget and any descendents that don't have an icon set
explicitly. DEFAULT can be the relative path to a .ico file
(example: root.iconbitmap(default='myicon.ico') ). See Tk
documentation for more information.
- wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- wm_iconphoto(self, default=False, *args)
- Sets the titlebar icon for this window based on the named photo
images passed through args. If default is True, this is applied to
all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected
to the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow
different images sizes to be provided. The window manager may scale
provided icons to an appropriate size.
On Windows, the images are packed into a Windows icon structure.
This will override an icon specified to wm_iconbitmap, and vice
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property,
which most modern window managers support. An icon specified by
wm_iconbitmap may exist simultaneously.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
- wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- wm_manage(self, widget)
- The widget specified will become a stand alone top-level window.
The window will be decorated with the window managers title bar,
- wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class XView(builtins.object) |
Mix-in class for querying and changing the horizontal position
of a widget's window. |
Methods defined here:
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change the horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units"
or "pages" (WHAT).
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class YView(builtins.object) |
Mix-in class for querying and changing the vertical position
of a widget's window. |
Methods defined here:
- yview(self, *args)
- Query and change the vertical position of the view.
- yview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total height of the canvas is off-screen to the top.
- yview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured in
"units" or "pages" (WHAT).
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| |